Ancient Egypt boat hunter from Beni Hasan.
Painting: Return of the boat hunter (Beni Hasan – 12th Dynasty.). Beni Hasan, also written Beni Hassan (Arabic بني حسن Bani Hasan) is the name of two places in Middle Egypt, located about 20 kilometers south of al-Minya on the east bank of the Nile.
In the area of Beni Hasan al-qadim are dead cities from almost all ancient Egyptian eras. Particularly well known are the 39 rock tombs of Beni Hasan from the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom, where the princes of the “Gazelle Gau” were buried.
About five kilometers south of the rock tombs we find the temple Speos Artemidos. The ancient Egyptian queen (Pharaoh) Hatshepsut had built it for the lion goddess Pachet. At the temple there is also located a cat cemetery and a late time necropolis.
Peinture: Retour du chasseur en barque (Béni-Haçen – XIIe. dynastie).
From the book: Histoire de l’art égyptien: d’après les monuments; depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’à la domination romaine by Prisse D’Avennes and Achille Constant Théodore Émile, 1878.
Read more: Ancient Egyptian costume history.

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