Botokuden. Natives from south-east Brazil.

Botokuden, tribe, Aymoré, Krenak, Brazil, natives
Aymoré or Botokuden.

Botokuden or Aymoré people

Natives from south-east Brazil.

Aymoré or Botocudos (Portuguese: Botocudos derived from botoque = wooden peg) is the historical name for Indians, mainly in the area of the State of Minas Gerais, lived in the forests of southeastern Brazil.

The current designations are Krenak (in Portuguese: Creaques) or Borun. The name derives from the Botocudos spread among several Indian tribes custom of wearing lip plates. Their language and the surname of the members also called Krenak. The number of members in 2011 amounted according to different specifications 600 or 1000 people. 

Source: Natural History and pictures of the mammals of Heinrich Rudolf Schinz, Zurich, 1824. Drawn by K. J. Brodtmann. Orig. Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Säugetiere von Heinrich Rudolf Schinz, Zürich, 1824. Gezeichnet von K. J. Brodtmann.

Illustration, damasks, ornament


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