Milice des communes, Arbaletrier. XII° Siècle. Histoire de l’Armée par M. Adrien Pascal.
Category: 12th Century
Middle ages costumes in 12th Century
England medieval clothing 1200 to 1300.
England medieval clothing 1200 to 1300. From left: Physician, Gentleman, Bishop, King, Queen, Costume of a Lady, Nobleman, Rustic. From the book: Pictures and short extracts from The National and Domestic… Read More
Court life under the Plantagenets. Reign of Henry II.
The house Anjou-Plantagenet was a French-born dynasty. From 1154 to 1399 she put in a direct line, the kings of England.
Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thomas Becket was Lord Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170; canonised by Alexander III on 21st February 1173.
Richard I the Lionheart. Cœur de Lion. Third son of King Henry II.
Richard I in French Cœur de Lion, actually Richard Plantagenet; was from 1189 to his death King of England.
Knight of the second crusade 1145–1149.
Knight bannert praying before his departure for the 2nd crusade.
Capetian noblewoman costume 12th century
Capetian noblewoman costume around 1180 to 1190, 12th century. Noble Capétienne, Vers 1180 A 1190. Source: Costumes civils et militaires des Français à travers les siècles. 1883. Author: Jean Baptiste… Read More
Eleanor of Aquitaine. Medieval Queen 12th century.
Eleanor of Aquitaine of the House of Poitiers, was first Queen of France, then Queen of England. She was one of the most influential women of the Middle Ages.
Colifichets. Les modes du Moyen Age. Costume féminin français.
Colifichets. Escarcelle gibecière, Bagues d’Isabelle de Montaigne, Épouse, Collier à festons d’or, Armoiries des Peigniers-Tablettiers. L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les modes du Moyen Age, de l’an 1037 à l’an 1461.
Chaussures. Les modes du Moyen Age. costume féminin français.
Chaussures. Chaussure a la poulaine, Poulaine à pointe, Soulier du frère, Ordre de la Jarretière, Jupe drapée. Les modes du Moyen Age, de l’an 1037 à l’an 1461.