The King’s Square in St Jago de la Vega (Spanish Town), which was the capital of Jamaica until 1872, when it transferred to Kingston.
Category: 1824
A military Mandarine. Portrait of Van-ta-zhin 1805.
His boots are of satin, with thick soles of paper: these are always worn by the mandarines and superior Chinese.
Promenade dress. London Regency fashion 1824.
London fashions 1824. Regency Promenade dress. Pelisse of levantine silk, or Terry velvet, of a rich brown colour (couleur d’oreille d’ours).
Inhabitants of North West America.
Inhabitants of North West America.
Bushmen. Man and woman from the San people.
The term “Bushmen” includes both sexes and children. As proper names are knownamong others Ju’hoansi and Kung.
Botokuden. Natives from south-east Brazil.
Aymoré or Botocudos is the historical name for Brazilian natives, mainly in the area of the State of Minas Gerais
Dutch costumes from the island of Walcheren, Zeeland Province.
Dutch costumes from the island of Walcheren, Zeeland Province. Peasant farmer from the island of Walcheren, Zeeland Province. Paysan et Paysanne de l’île de Walcheren, Province de Zeeland.
Zuiderzee. Historical Dutch clothing.
Dutch costumes from the island of Marken in the Zuiderzee, 1824.
Lady in Paris Street Costume. Restoration era.
Lady in Paris Street Costume 1823-1824. Restoration era. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.