The Monument of Philopappus is an ancient Greek mausoleum dedicated to Gaius Julius Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappus (65-116 AD), a prince of the kingdom of Commagene, Anatolia.
Category: 1841
Atta Troll. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Heinrich Heine.
Atta Troll. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a narrative poem by Heinrich Heine. Atta Troll is one of the most virtuosic works Heines. German Romantic.
Dakota woman and Assiniboin girl. Tribal group of the Sioux.
The Dakota or Dakhóta (often Santee or Eastern Dakota) are the eastern dialect and tribal group of the Sioux from the Sioux language family.
Knitted dress by Thiébaud-Guichard. Romantic era 1841.
Knitted dress by Thiébaud-Guichard. Romantic era 1841. Meubles de Maigret. Guipure de Doucet. Porcelaines de Toy. Miror de Giroux. Fleurs de Constantin. Etoffes de robes de Thiébaud-Guichard façon de Mlle.… Read More