OF all the entrances to Paris, that by the Barrier of Neuilly is indisputably the most beautiful
Category: 19th Century
St. Germain the ancient residence of the kings of France.
The Castle of St. Germain was formerly one of the finest royal residences of the kings of France.
Rouen Cathedral coronation site and burial place of the Norman dukes.
The Rouen Cathedral is one of the most important church buildings in France in the Gothic style.
Rouen. Market Scene at Place de la Haute-Vieille-Tour. France 1819.
Market Scene at Rouen. The Place de la Haute-Vieille-Tour with the cathedral in the background. France 1819.
The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) of south-eastern Asia.
The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a big cat of south-eastern Asia. It looks remotely similar to a leopard. Zoology, Pictorial work.
The marshes near Hatagala, in the neighborhood of Hambantota.
The marshes near Hatagala, in the neighbourhood of Hambantota, are often as attractive to the naturalist as to the sportsman. Travel in Sri Lanka, 19th century.
The peculiar shape of a richly endowed mummy. Necropolis of Ancon.
Side view and section and the peculiar shape of the richly endowed mummy pack is clearly shown in the present illustration.
Remarkable Sumptuous Mummy Pack from the Necropolis of Ancon, Peru.
The Mummy, the front and back view of which are here figured, is assuredly the most remarkable hitherto discovered in the Ancon Necropolis.
Two Mummies from one Grave. Front and back view. Ancon Peru.
Two Mummies from one Grave. Front and back view of a Mummy with a false head and funeral accompaniments.
Front views of two mummies from a common tomb.
The equipment of both while equally simple still testifies to the great affection lavished by the people on their dead.