Ryukyu Islands. Shō-Dynastie. Known as the Great Loo-Choo Island, Okinawa Japan.
Category: 19th Century
Seppuku, Hara Kiri. Ritualized type of male suicide. Japan Samurai.
The seppuku Hara Kiri (jap. 切腹) is a ritualized type of male suicide, which was spread around the middle of the twelfth century in Japan within the shift of the samurai and was officially banned in 1868.
Okinawa, Japan. Loo Choo Chief and his Two Sons.
Okinawa, Japan. Loo Choo Chief and his Two Sons.
Korean Chief and his Secretary 1816
Korean Chief and his Secretary.
Bukyan. An Ida or Brahmin of Bali.
Japanese Festivals and Holidays.
Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs’ were collected during the years 1864-5, by Jacob Mortimer.
A Trooper at the Court of Amarapoorah. Burma.
A Trooper at the Court of Amarapoorah.
Ruins about the Taj Mahal, Agra.
The pleasure-grounds belonging to the Taj Mahal are watered daily during the dry season; and they are clothed in perpetual verdure, while the surrounding country is a wilderness.
Whonghee. Female slave attendants. Burma.
A Whonghee or First Minister’s wife in her Hackery with female slave attendants.
Iceland wedding dress. Iceland bride 1809.
Iceland wedding dress 1809 Source: Journal of a tour in Iceland in the summer of 1809 by Sir William Jackson Hooker. Published by Longman London, Yarmouth 1813. Above picture: Different… Read More