The native tribes of South Australia.
Category: 19th Century
Brazilian merchants ride to Rio de Janeiro.
Brazilian merchants ride to the market at Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro, 19th c.. Caravane de marchands allant a Tijuca. Source: L’Univers, Histoire et description de tous les… Read More
Academic Gowns of Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh.
Academic Gowns – British Usage. Doctor of Civil Law, or Medicine of Oxford (Full dress). Doctor of Divinity, Oxford (Convocation dress). Doctor of Laws or Divinity, Cambridge. Vice-Chancellor Cambridge. Bachelor… Read More
Tammeamea King of Hawaii and the King of the Solor Islands
Tammeamea King of Hawaii, the Sandwich Islands. Naba Leba king of Solor. Death of Tammeamea king of the Sandwich Islands. Artist: Nicholas Martin Petit (1777-1804).
Crinoline costumes by Mad. Debaizieux. Romantic era 1850.
Dresses by Mad. Debaizieux. La Mode 1850.
Manfred by Lord Byron. English Romanticism.
Manfred is the title of a dramatic poem by Lord Byron. It is one of the most important work of the whole romantic era.
Romantic era crinoline fashion. La Mode 1850.
Crinoline fashion. La Mode 1850.
Walter Besant. The World Went Very Well Then. John Brooking’s Studio.
Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901) was an English social reformer, freemason and writer who drew attention mainly on the urban mass poverty. In addition to essays and historical essays he wrote numerous novels.
Flags of the Royal Highlanders. The Black Watch.
Flags of the Royal Highlanders. The Black Watch. Colours of the 42nd Royal Highlanders (The Black Watch). Now 1st Battalion The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Carried in the Crimea and… Read More
Egyptian Campaign. Flag Colours of the 72nd Highlanders.
Egyptian Campaign. 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders Colours of the 72nd (Duke Of Albany’s Own) Highlanders. Now the 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, Duke of Albany´s). Carried in the Egyptian… Read More