The Milkmaid. Watercolour by Bireshwar Sen (1899-1974)
Category: 20th Century
Dresses for Golf. Modèles de Royant. Le style parisien
Dresses for Golf. Modèles de Royant. Le style parisien 1915. Plate XXII. Pour le Golf. Models de Royant. Fig. 249, 250 and 251. (Royant). Blouse with closed and open collar; braces in… Read More
Averil Mary Burleigh. English women painter.
Drawings by Averil M. Burleigh. Published in the International Studio in 1913.
Drawings by Abanindranath Tagore. Princess Lotus.
Drawings by Abanindranath Tagore. Princess Lotus, In the dark night, Buddha and Sujata.
Courtly fantasy scene by Mary Young Hunter.
The duke’s high dame by Mary Y. Hunter. Female Pre-Raphaelite Painter.
Art nouveau illustration by Hede von Trapp.
” The Broken String of Beats “. Art nouveau illustration by Hede von Trapp 1910s. Hede von Trapp 1877-1947 was an Austrian poet, painter and graphic artist of the Art… Read More
French firefighter uniform. Imperial guard.
French firefighter uniform. Imperial guard. Uniforme Sapeur du Génie de la Garde Impériale. Gallery: Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and newer… Read More
Spanish Picador costume. Spain bullfighting 1920s.
Spanish Picador costume. Spain bullfighting 1920s. Costume de Picador Démonté fumant un cigare, Espagne. Gallery: Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and… Read More
Historical costume silhouettes from 1750 to 1950
Can you imagine what women wore to ride a horse at the beginning of the twentieth century?
Woman in slaughtering a chicken by Armand Coussens.
Woman in slaughtering a chicken by Armand Coussens (1881-1935). ” La Femme au Poulet “. From a print by M. Paul Turpin. French Kitchen Scene to 1910th. A woman slaughters a chicken.