George Wesley Bellows 1882 -1925 was known especially for his paintings of urban life in New York.
Category: America
New York working girls in an Opium Den, 1883.
Scene In An Opium Den, In Pell Street, New York. Frequented By Working Girls. 1883.
Midē Wiwin or The “Grand Medicine Society” of the Ojibwa.
The Midewiwin is the society of the Mide or Shamans, popularly designated as the Grand Medicine Society. Its ritual, and the traditions of Indian genesis and cosmogony, constitute a powerful religion.
American Beauty by Albert Sterner. Painter, printmaker and illustrator.
Albert Sterner. American Beauty. Illustration (1906). Publication: Paintings by Leading American Artists 1908. Publisher: Collier & Son.
Indians of the Guauchinango Mountain Range. Mexican Mountains Indios.
Guauchinango or Huauchinango is a city and municipality in central Mexico. Costumes of Mexican Mountains Indios.
Habitants de Tierra Caliente. People from Tierra Caliente Mexico.
Inhabitants of Tierra Caliente (Hotlanders). People from Tierra Caliente come in.
La Mantilla. Mexican morning suit. A light lady’s coat.
The Mantilla was first a veil worn by Spanish women from the Middle Ages onwards, which covered the head and neck up to the shoulders.
Las Tortilleras. Costumes from the villages in the south of Puebla, Mexico.
Mexican woman cooking Tortillas. The costumes that we see here come from the villages that are located in the south of Puebla de los Angeles. Carl Nebel 1836.
Mexican Peoples from Puebla in traditional costumes.
Mexican Peoples from Puebla in traditional costumes. Gallery: Voyage pittoresque et archéologique dans la partie la plus intéressante du Mexique by Carl Nebel. Published 1836.
El Hacendero et son majordome, by Carl Nebel 1834
The Mexican landowner and his family by Carl Nebel 1834.