Nippon by Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866). Illustration: Kawahara Keiga.
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
Nighttime Conference of Hong Kong 1941
Nighttime Conference of Hong Kong surrender of Governor Young and General Sakai 1941. Represented the signing of the surrender of Hong Kong by Sir Mark Young in 1942 in a… Read More
An Armenian. Ottoman Empire costume.
An Armenian. Ottoman Empire.
Jewish girl from Sinope in 19th century
Jewish girl from Sinope in 19th century. Sinope was an Asian, Greek coastal town on the Black Sea. The illustration shows a young Jewish woman in traditional clothes around 1850.… Read More
Japan. Harness (Samurai) 1800.
Samurai, warrior armor and weapons, Japan 1800.
Nomadic priest costume. Kalmyk Buddhist 19th century.
Nomadic priest. Kalmyk Buddhist. The Kalmyks are a Buddhist, western Mongolian nomadic people. They live mainly in the autonomous Russian republic of Kalmykia. They belong to the Asian strain of the… Read More
Persian scholar in 1450.
Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes.
Distinguished woman. Medieval Indian clothing.
Mughal empire. India noble woman of the 15th century.
Persian General in full armor 15th century.
Persian of the 15th century with an insignia, sword, shield, helmet and armor. Medieval Asia military costume.
Indian archer in full armor.
Indian archer. 15th century military costume. Medieval Indian archer in full armor. Asia military uniform 15th Century. Indian archer 15th c. Artist: Alois Greil (1841-1902), Hugo Kaeseberg, Wood-engraver (1847-1893). Source: Sheets for… Read More