Court Dress, made by Madame Beauvais, Milliner to her Majesty. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 1,. April 1794 to March 1795. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Category: England
Period Costumes and Fashion from England, Regency, Empire, Georgian, Directory, Victorian and Tudor dresses.
Spencer of dark blue cloth. Red Morocco slippers. Bear skin muff.
Heideloff`s Gallery of Fashion. March 1795. Morning Dresses. Isabella bear skin tippet and muff. Red Morocco slippers.
Chemise of muslin. Sash à l’enfantine. Morning Dress 1795.
The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Close gown of sprig muslin. Bonnet of yellow satin. May 1795.
England Regency costumes. Close gown of sprig muslin. Bonnet of yellow satin. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Prince d’Écosse XVIe siècle. Prince of Scotland 16th century.
Court dress of a Scottish prince in spanish fashion 16th century.
Dame Anglaise du temps de Henry VIII. English lady in tudor costume.
English lady of the time of Henry VIII (1491–1547). England Tudor costume period. Court dress. Renaissance.
English lady of the Court of Henry VIII. Dame Anglaise.
Dame Anglaise de la Cour de Henry VIII. Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements.
French lady of the suite of Mary Stuart in 1560.
Dame Française de la suite de Marie Stuart. Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements.
Femme noble du règne de la reine Élisabeth Ier. Tudor.
Tudor costume from the time of Queen Elizabeth I’s reign (1558–1603). Source: Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements. Author: Achille Devéria and José Domínguez Bécquer. Publisher Paris:… Read More
Gentilhomme Anglais au XIV Siècle. Moyen Âge costume.
Costume of an English Gentleman in the 14th Century.