The allied sovereigns. The Duke of Wellington. The King of Prussia. Prince Regent (George IV). The Emperor of Russia.
Category: Georgian period
England fashion 1808-1815. Regency period.
Don Juan. Lord Byron’s Haidée. English romanticism
The greatest heiress of the Eastern isles;
So very beautiful was she,
Her dowry was as nothing to her smiles:
Still in her teens, and like a lovely tree
So grew to womanhood.
English Romanticism, the black romance.
Naples hat. Straw, cornette, crepe hats, 1816.
Naples hat. Straw, cornette, crepe hats. Romantic era 1816.
Regency merino dress with Velvet hat, 1816.
Regency merino dress with Velvet hat, 1816. Chapeau de Velours sur une Cornette de Culle. Robe de Mérinos.
Chapeau de Reps, par-dessus de Lévantine.
Costume Parisien 1816. Chapeau de Reps, par-dessus de Lévantine. Associated to: French Fashion history. The Restoration period fashion 1814 to 1830. Fashion in the Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to… Read More
France menswear 1817. Coat with velvet collar. Waistcoat.
Journal des dames et des modes. Habit à Collet de Velours. Gilet de piqué.
Fashion in the Reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X. Restoration.
Importation of foreign fashions in 1815 — White dresses, white feathers, and fleurs de lys — Emigrant ladies — Russian toques — Male and female dressmakers — Ruchings — Short sleeves and long gloves — Herbault’s bonnets — “Chefs” — Anglomania in 1815 — Green gauze veils; spencers — The “canezou”— Lacroix, the stay-maker — Dr. Pelletan and Charles X. — Wasps — The “Ourika” fashions — The famous leg-of-mutton sleeves — Fashions “a l’Ipsiboé,” “au Trocadéro,” and “à la Dame Blanche” — Blonde caps and turbans — Head-dresses — Fashions “à la giraffe;” “the last sigh of Jocko” — Female book-keepers; shopwomen — The Cafe des Mille-Colonnes.
Fashion history. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Fashions under the First Empire. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Part of the Allies entering Paris after Waterloo 1814.
The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow, being anecdotes of the camp, court, clubs and society, 1810-1860.
The first quadrille at Almack’s. England regency period 1818.
Four figures dancing at the club Almack’s: Marquis of Worcester; Lady Jersey; Clanronald Macdonald and Lady Worcester.