Ancient British, Gallic and German Costumes.
Category: England
Period Costumes and Fashion from England, Regency, Empire, Georgian, Directory, Victorian and Tudor dresses.
Rob Roy`s gun and sword. Broadsword, with Andrea Ferrara blade.
Rob Roy’s sword is a fine “old Highland Broadsword, with Andrea Ferrara blade (Andrew Ferrara) and basket hilt.” It is 37 inches in length, the blade being 3 2 1/2 by 1 1/2 inches.
Pair of pistols which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I., Bonaparte.
Pair of pistols which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I., Bonaparte. Claverhouse’s pistol is a fine old Highland pistol. Pistol of John Campbell, Doune.
The gigantic warrior of Bosworth Field.
Armor from hall door of Abbotsford designed for a French knight.
Malay Kris. Polygar`s Knife. Abbotsford Swords and dagger.
Polygar`s Knife, Malay Kris, Tartar Sword in Brass-Mounted Shagreen Scabbard, Rob Roy`s Dirk. Hunting Knives or Couteaux de Chasse.
Border war horn and James VI.’s hunting-bottle. Sir Walter Scott.
The war-horn, which resembles an ordinary cow horn, is hooped with iron’. It has a double chain attached to each end by rings. The length of the horn is 22 1/2 inches, the diameter nearly 4 inches.
Sir Walter Scott’s body clothes. Coat, waistcoat, hat and walking stick.
These clothes may very probably be the same as those worn by Sir Walter when he sat for his last portrait, a few months before his death.
Abbotsford, desk and chair of Sir Walter Scott.
THE desk so long used by Sir Walter, and “his own huge elbow chair,” are familiar to all who have visited Abbotsford.
Regency petticoat of white satin. Robe of orange-colored crape.
Evening Dress, March 1796. White satin petticoat. Robe of orange-colored crape.
Regency cottage cap. Spencer of maroon satin 1796.
Regency cottage cap. Spencer of maroon satin. Muslin petticoat. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London. Georgian fashion era. Costume in the time of Jane… Read More