The warlike machines. Our wood-cuts represent some of the instruments used, during the middle ages, in carrying on sieges.
Category: Plantagenet
Richard II. King of England 1377 to 1399.
Richard II (Richard Plantagenet, also known as Richard of Bordeaux 1367-1400), King of England from 1377 to 1399.
England from 1154 to 1216. Anjou-Plantagenet ruling dynasty.
Fashion history. England from 1154 to 1216. Anjou-Plantagenêt ruling dynasty. HENRY II, 1154-1189; RICHARD I., 1189-1199; AND JOHN, 1199-1216.
Eleanor of Castile first wife of King Edward I.
Eleanor of Castile (also Leonor, 1241 – † 28 November 1290 in Harby, Nottinghamshire) was the first wife of King Edward I. Royal Consort of England.
13th century costume of a young english nobleman.
13th century costume of a young nobleman. England costume of a young nobleman in the reign of King Henry III in summer dress, 1250.
Court life under the Plantagenets. Reign of Henry II.
The house Anjou-Plantagenet was a French-born dynasty. From 1154 to 1399 she put in a direct line, the kings of England.
King Richard III, last British monarch of the House of Plantagenet.
Richard III was from 1483 until his death at the Battle of Bosworth King of England. He was the last British monarch of the House of Plantagenet and also the last, who died on a battlefield.
John Wycliffe (1330-1384) and the Dawn of the Reformation.
John Wyclif, also Wicklyf, Wicliffe, Wiclef, Wycliff, Wycliffe, called Doctor evangelicus, was an English philosopher, theologian and church reformer.
Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thomas Becket was Lord Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170; canonised by Alexander III on 21st February 1173.
Richard I the Lionheart. Cœur de Lion. Third son of King Henry II.
Richard I in French Cœur de Lion, actually Richard Plantagenet; was from 1189 to his death King of England.