Three bronze shoes, the first worn on stage by the actress Miss Ada Cavendish. Ladies’ Dress Shoes of the Nineteenth Century.
Category: Victorian period
Victorian Era. Three fine specimens of the modern shoemaker’s craft.
Victorian Era. Shoemaker’s craft. The cordonnier artist (shoemaker, cobbler) has apparently considered his lines as carefully as the best of yacht builders.
Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea. Probably painted in 1847.
Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea. This is probably the portrait painted in 1847, and exhibited at the Royal Academy the same year, the replica of which is now at Herbert House.
London Nomads at Battersea. Victorian Street Life.
Photo of “London Nomads” – Gypsies around the steps of a caravan. The group includes William Hampton and Mary Pradd, taken at Battersea by John Thomson.
Persian woman costume. England Victorian Romanticism.
English Black Romantic. Idealised, representation of women at the beginning of the Victorian age.
The latest Paris fashion 1898.
The latest Paris fashion, Belle Epoque. Toilette de Réception. February 1898.
Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923). French actress
Sarah Bernhardt (actually Marie Henriette Rosine Bernardt) was a French actress. She is considered the most famous actress of her time.
Glynneath Wales. Costumes and plaids 19th c.
Glynneath Wales.
The Quiver of Love. A collection of Valentines.
A collection of Valentines ancient and modern. With illustrations, in colors, from drawings by Walter Crane and Kate Greenaway.
Pitti-Sing. Victorian opera character.
Pitti-Sing. The Mikado. Victorian opera character. The Mikado is a comic opera in two acts by Gilbert and Sullivan (libretto by WS Gilbert, with music by Arthur Sullivan).