Bourgeoise de paris et sa servante. XVe siècle. Medieval Bourgeois of Paris and her maid. 15th century fashion.
Category: France
Costumes de femmes Demi-Négligé en 1787.
Women’s costumes Semi-Neglected in 1787.
Chapeau báteau-renversé en 1787. Paris à travers les siècles.
Hat au báteau-renversé, 1787.
Madeleine de France, Princess of Valois (1460).
Madeleine of France also called Magdalena of Valois (1443 – 1495), daughter of Charles VII, King of France and Mary of Anjou
Zouave soldier from Algeria, ca. 1900. French infantry. Elite troops.
The members of historical infantry units called themselves Zuaven. The name goes back to the Kabyl tribe of the Zuauas in the Zuaua district (Zuavia) in the Algerian province of Constantine, who already provided mercenary troops at the time of the Ottoman Empire who were famous for their bravery.
History of a Crime. The Death of Baudin. Victor-Marie Hugo.
The Death of Baudin. History of a Crime by Victor Hugo. BEFORE being a Republican, Baudin had been a tutor. He came from an intelligent and brave race of schoolmasters, ever… Read More
French Peasant Woman in the 15th century.
Costumes civils et militaires. Paysanne au XVe siècle. (D’après Chevignard)
Hunting crossbows of the 16th century. Renaissance era.
Hunting crossbows of the 16th century. Renaissance era. Arbalètes de chasse, du XVIe siècle. (Dessin de Calenacci d’après une photographie de Franck) From the book: Costumes civils et militaires des… Read More
Knight served by his squire and pages. 11th century.
Chevalier servi par son écuyer et ses pages.
Medieval Earl in armor leaving for the war.
Medieval Earl in armor leaving for the war, followed by his vassals. 8th, 9th century. Comte partant pour la Guerre, suive de ses Vassaux From the book: Costumes civils et militaires… Read More