The majority of the population of the Sahara consists of Berbers. Her clothing is extraordinarily rich. They obtain their silk fabrics through the mediation of the caravans
Tag: Maghreb
Historical customs, costumes and fashions of the Maghreb. Northwest Africa.
The dress of the Arabs. Affluent class. Pictorial work.
The name Arab originally was reserved for the nomad tribes east of Palestine and in the Syro-Arabian desert, but today it is generally used for most of the surviving Semitic peoples who, in addition to living in Arabia, are to be found in Mesopotamia, North Africa, the western shores of the Red Sea, and the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf.
Historical Berber costumes from Morocco, 1862.
Historical Berber Costumes of Morocco. Morocco is a state in the north-west of Africa.
Oriental Costumes. Farasia. Kaftan. North Africa, Morocco.
The Farasia, Kaftan. This garment is a shirt-dress with wide sleeves, it is buttoned over the chest.
Djellaba. North Africa, Marocco.
This hooded garment serves as an outer dress and replaces the burnoose or sulham.
Mohamed Habib el-Bey from the Dynasty of Husseinite 1923.
Mohamed Habib el-Bey from the Dynasty of Husseinite. Tunesia. Habib Bey, Frenchified name of Mohamed Habib el-Bey, born August 13, 1858 in Bardo and died February 11, 1929 in Carthage,… Read More
Jewish graves at Bab el Oued, Algier. Algeria 19th century.
L’Algérie historique, pittoresque et monumentale.
Caravan in an indoor street of Algier, Algeria.
Algeria – Caravan in a Covered Street, Algier. Historical, picturesque and monumental Algeria.
Tunisian flower sellers of Gabes in 1910.
Tunisian flower sellers of Gabes in 1910.
Tunisian arabs at a café of Tunis in 1910.
Tunisian arabs at a café of Tunis in 1910.