Dame du temps de François I. de Clèves, duc de Nevers (1516-1562). Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria.
Category: France
Costume de cour sous Louis XIII. Court costume under Louis XIII.
Noblesse costume of the court under Louis XIII. Fashion at the beginning of the baroque era.
Dame Française du temps de Charles VII. 1403-1461
French lady of the time of Charles VII., (1403-1461). Medieval Burgundian costume period 15th century.
Joan of Navarre. Duchess of Brittany. Time of Charles VI.
The lady there is probably Joan of Navarre was by marriage Duchess of Brittany and Queen Consort of England.
Dame française du temps de Charles VIII
French lady at the time Charles VIII., 15th century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Reign of Philip III and Louis VIII. The influence of the Crusaders.
Severity of feminine costume – Long gowns and gimps – Marguerite of Provence – “Fermaux” – Reappearance of splendor in dress – Eastern customs – The priests of fashion – Haberdashery and peacock-feathers – Female embroiderers – Taste for embroidery – Continual temptations – Earliest sumptuary laws – Furs – St. Louis’s opinion on dress – Prohibitions by Philippe le Bel; speech made by his wife – Crépine.
Nobles français en costume médiéval de la cour de Jean II le Bon
French noblewoman in medieval courtly costume of the 14th century, from the court of the French King John II (French: Jean le Bon).
Costume de chasse 1779. Rococo hunting costume.
Costume de chasse 1779. Hunting costume.
Henry II. king of France, descended from the Valois-Angoulême dynasty.
Henry II (1519-1559) from the House of Valois-Angoulême was from 1547 to 1559 King of France. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Costume du temps de Louis XV. 1750. Rococo costume 18th century.
Rococo costume 18th century. Noble Men in court dress. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria