Precious extravagance. Fashions under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789.
Category: Europe
Fashions in Europe. European Costume and Cultural History.
Élégantes. Extravagance précieuse sous Louis XVI.
Extravagance précieuse sous Louis XVI. La mode des femmes s’ingénie alors à être simple, elle ne fait plus travailler les couturiers et les tailleurs que sur la mode masculine ou les modes anglaises, ces deux patrons de la simplicité d’alors (1780).
Men from the Mountains in Wallachia, Romania.
Men from the Mountains in Wallachia, Romania.
Men from Dorobautz Romania. Wallachian Costume 1843.
Men from Dorobautz Romania. Wallachian Costume 1843. Engraved by Théophile Emmanuel Duverger (1821-1881) From the Book: Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and newer… Read More
Young Wallachian Girl costume. Romania.
Jeune Fille Valaque.
Dragoon officer Contingent Basel. Uniforms of the Swiss cantons.
Tragoner Offizier Contingent Basel.
Heinrich Fuhrer sergeant of Anwill Contingent Basel.
Heinrich Fuhrer Wachtmeister von Anwill Contingent Basel. Uniforms of the Swiss cantons.
Fashion under the Reigns of Charles VIII 1483 to 1498. Louis XII 1498 to 1515.
Duchesses and bourgeoises under Louis XI. – “La grand gorre,“ or sumptuosity – The “troussoire” – Allegorical and moral costumes – Trains – Head-dresses —”Collets rebrassés ” – Wigs and false hair — Some results of the war in Italy – Italian fashions — “Sollerets” and slippers – Gorgets – Garters – Jean Marot writes against novelties – Anne of Brittany – Pins – Menot “the golden-tongued” – A Parisian in the time of Louis XII. – Coat à I’ltalienne – Manufacture of stuffs.
Martin Schneider sergeant in the Grenadier Company Bern.
Martin Schneider Feldwebel der Grenadier Compagnie Bern.
John Lang of St. Urban in the Willisauer Office of the Lucerne Contingent.
John Lang of St. Urban in the Willisauer Office of the Lucerne Contingent.