Seigneur et nobles Français. XVIe siècle. Règne de Louis XIII. D’après le tableau d’Abraham Bosse, en 1633.
Category: Europe
Fashions in Europe. European Costume and Cultural History.
French lord in the reign of King Louis XIV.
Seigneur. Règne de Louis XIV. XVIIe siècle. D’après le Chevallier-Chevignard.
French costumes after the Edict of 1633. The Sumptuary law.
Costume de Seigneur et de Dames. Apres l’édit de réforme 1633. D’après Abraham Bosse.
Fool costume. 16th century. After le Chevallier-Chevignard.
Costume de Fou. XVIe siècle D’après le Chevallier-Chevignard.
Wandering musicians of the 15t century.
Musiciens ambulants. XVe siècle. Tiére de mobilier d’Eugène Viollet-le-Duc.
13th century costume of a young english nobleman.
13th century costume of a young nobleman. England costume of a young nobleman in the reign of King Henry III in summer dress, 1250.
Dame de la cour du roi François Ier. XVIe siècle.
Lady of the Court of King Francis. Renaissance 16th century.
Garde du corps de la Prévôté. Officier des gardes 1574 à 1589.
Bodyguard of the Provost. Officer of the guards 1574 to 1589.
Carpets design 19th century. Masterpieces of industrial art.
Carpets design 19th century. Masterpieces of industrial art. CARPETS BY MESSRS. HENDERSON & CO., DURHAM, AND MESSRS. FILMER & SON, LONDON.
Embroidered Table center by Ann Macbeth. Glasgow School of Art, c. 1911.
Embroideries by Ann Macbeth. Glasgow School of Art.