GREECE. ANTIQUE HAIR AND HEADGEAR. The women of Greek antiquity knew how to achieve a great variety in the arrangement of their hair. Veils of light or precious fabric, ribbons of various colours, flowers and fragrant ointments were often used in artistic hairstyles.
Category: Headdresses
Costume and Fashion History. Fashion plates of hats and headdresses from ancient to modern times.
Chinese female coiffure from Canton, Shantou, Ningpo & Shanghai.
Mode of dressing the hair in vogue among the women of Shanghai, Canton, Shantou and Ningpo. Photo by John Thomson.
The Kokoshnik. Traditional Russian hairstyles and headgear.
Russia. Popular hairstyles. The traditional costume of Russian women especially the Kokoshnik (Russian: Коко́шник) has survived all innovations of fashion.
Peasant costumes from Archangelsk, Novgorod, Russia 1912.
Peasant costumes from Arkhangelsk Oblast and Veliky Novgorod, Russia 1912. Peasant art in Russia by Charles Holme.
Ancient Greece Coiffures. Hairstyles & Hair Fashions of Greek antiquity.
Ancient Greece. Hairstyles and Hair Fashions. Hats and Head-dresses.
Coiffure l’Ingénue, Coiffure en Hérisson a crochets 1785.
Cabinet des Modes, Ou Les Modes Nouvelles.
Head-dresses at the beginning of the 16th century
Head-dresses of the ladies of the 15th century. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages by Henry Shaw
Mode féminine du Moyen Age. Noble anglaise. 13ème siècle.
Les femmes des gentilshommes unissaient sur leurs manteaux ou surcots les armoiries de leurs époux avec celles de leur famille.
Burgundian type portrait with characteristic headgear.
Burgundian type portrait of the 15th century. Burgundian characteristic headgear 1460 – 1500.
Isabella d’Este. La donna del mondo prima.
Isabella d’Este known as The First Lady of the Renaissance with a balzo, the famous Capigliari headdress.