Japan Merchant of oranges. Marchande d’oranges.
Category: Genre
The Royal Flag of France. The Galley Flag.
The Royal Flag of France. The Galley Flag. The Flag of the Merchant Navy. The royal flag was, in reality, the national flag in the 18th century. Each regiment had… Read More
Japanese Seller of basketry. Marchande de vannerie.
Japanese Seller of basketry. Marchande de vannerie. Published by Autour du Monde.
Relocation of a Japanese family. Une Déménagement, 1895.
Relocation of a Japanese family. Une Déménagement. Souvenirs de Voyages, Paris, L. Boulanger 1895.
Dining room. Une Salle a manger. Japan 1895.
Dining room. Une Salle a manger. Japan 1895. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Traditional Persian woman. Nobility
Traditional Persian woman. 19th century. Femme Persane. Noble Persan.
Arabian Girl hairdress from Kisangani Congo
Arabian Girl hairdress from Kisangani Congo c. 1910s.
Group of Samurais. Groupe de Samourais. Japan 1895.
Group of Samurais. Groupe de Samourais. Japan 1895. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Scrubbing Day. Le Jour du récurage. Japan 1895.
Scrubbing Day. Le Jour du récurage. Japan 1895. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Woman of Goma. Congo Makele. African hairstyle.
Goma is a major city in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the capital of North Kivu Province.