On the history of costumes. Eighty-eighth sheet. France. XVIth century. Münchener Bilderbogen No. 1083. Illustration by Karl Häberlin. French nobility fashion in the XVI. century. Top row left to right: Bottom… Read More
Category: Genre
Burgundian nobility in the middle of the 15th century.
Gothic fashion and costumes of the burgundian nobility in 1450.
English and French fashion in the 15th century.
English and French fashion in the 15th Century. (Gothic, burgundy, middle ages) On the history of costumes. Sixty-eighth sheet. Fifteenth century. English and French. Munich illustrated book no. 1024. Illustration… Read More
German lansquenets. Piper, Drummer, Waibel, Captain, Lieutenant.
German 16th century renaissance soldiers. Drummer, Flag bearer, Piper, Waibel, Captain, Lieutenant.
Dutchmen and Burgundians, 15th c.
Gothic fashion of Dutch citizens and Burgundian nobility at the end of the 15th century.
A captain in uniform from Jászsági, lower Hungary.
A captain in uniform from Jászsági, lower Hungary. Allemagne. Nº 9 Maite Tanneur de J’Azberény. (District des Jazyges) (Basse Hongrie). Gallery: Folk dresses from Norway, Dutch, Germany and Hungaria.
Renaissance fashion. Italy 16th century clothing.
Italy renaissance fashion era. 16th century clothing.
Ecclesiastical robes. 16th and 17th Century.
Ecclesiastical robes. 16th and 17th Century. Top row left to right: Chamberlain. Cardinal. Prelate. Right: Deacon with the dalmatic and Alba. Altar boy in surplice. Subdeacon in the Alba and… Read More
German blackened steel armor. Renaissance weapons.
XVI Century – German Armor Art at Armeria Real Madrid. Armor blackened steel veneer.
Katharina Botzaris in Greek costume 1841
Portrait by Joseph Stieler. Katharina was born in Janina, Greece in 1820. Her father was the Greek freedom fighter Markos Botzaris.