Very many members of this caste become ascetics, and wander from town to town, accepting such alms as may be given them, but asking nothing.
Category: Genre
Rococo costume de femme russe du 18e siècle
Costume of a Russian Woman of the 18th Century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Costume d’une dame de Liège. Belgique 15e siècle
Noblewoman from Liege to the Walloon region of Belgium, in the 15th Century. Renaissance period costume.
French lady of the suite of Mary Stuart in 1560.
Dame Française de la suite de Marie Stuart. Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements.
Nobel woman with coiffure à la Hurluberlus at the court of Louis XIV.
Nobel woman with Coiffure à la Hurluberlus at the court of Louis XIV.
Femme noble du règne de la reine Élisabeth Ier. Tudor.
Tudor costume from the time of Queen Elizabeth I’s reign (1558–1603). Source: Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements. Author: Achille Devéria and José Domínguez Bécquer. Publisher Paris:… Read More
Paquin Model of Moire Serb. Paris Spring Season 1913.
France Fin de siècle fashion. Haute couture costume by Jeanne Paquin 1913.
Cavalier Français 1779. French rider costume.
French rider costume. Rococo fashion period. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Gentilhomme Anglais au XIV Siècle. Moyen Âge costume.
Costume of an English Gentleman in the 14th Century.
Habit à la française, pantalon gilet et Tricorne. Temps de Louis XV.
Rococo male fashion. Justaucorps „habit à la française“, with vest pants and Tricorne.