L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les modes du Moyen Age, de l’an 1037 à l’an 1461. Chapeaux. Escoffion, Chapeau breton, Collier, Hénin, Banniere des Chapeliers, Chapeau d’élégante.
Category: Genre
Woman from the Bethmale Valley, Pyrenees.
Woman folk clothing from the Bethmale Valley, Pyrenees. Costumes Nationaux by Lepage Medvey, Editions Hyperion, 1939. Gallery: Traditional French national costumes
New Kingdom, clothing in ancient Egypt.
New Kingdom, clothing in ancient Egypt. Man with a long skirt and Sandal. 19th Dynasty New Kingdom. Wig with headband and uraeus snake. Was worn by the king at different… Read More
Basque dancer, France.
Basque dancer.
Man from Provence, France.
Man from Provence, France.
German medieval architect in 14th Century
German medieval architect in 14th Century. German craftsman costume. The German master builder were also associated with the Freemasons. Medieval Burgundian fashion period, late gothic dress..
Infant Capuchin in monastic garb. Salamanca 1809
Infant Capuchin in monastic garb.
Servant Girls of Salamanca Spain 1809
Shepherds of the plains of Leon in their winter clothing
SHEPHERDS OF THE PLAINS OF LEON, In their Winter Clothing. THE dress of the Shepherds here represented, is only worn during the severest days of winter. It consists of a… Read More
Peasants of the Corregimiento of Toro. Spain 1809
PEASANTS OF THE CORREGIMIENTO OF TORO. BETWEEN Salamanca and Toro, a variation in dress, and a difference in external character is apparent, which produce a comparison by no means favourable… Read More