Japan. The natives and the conquerors. Ainu and Japanese. Combat and fencing armor. – Various Weapons. Soldiers, Craftsmen, Coolis.
Category: Genre
Costumes of Persia and Asia Minor. Furniture. Phrygian cap.
The Phrygian cap. Armenian tiara. The weapons of the Parthians. The costumes of Persia. Armenian. Pearl embroidered mitre. Anaxyrides. Amazons. The mitre and crown. Furniture.
Russia. Specimens of Headdress of the women of the people.
These bonnet and cap-like headpieces all originate from Old Russia and are peculiar to the Russian slaves. The specimens shown here come from the governorates of Novgorod, Kaluga, Tver and Kursk.
The Greek military of antiquity. Spartans, Hoplites, Peltasts.
Greek military. War costumes and weapons. The Spartans, Hoplites, Peltasts. The leaders, the soldiers, the shields. Defensive weapons. Attacking weapons.
Opus Anglicanum. The Syon Cope. Ecclesiastical needlework.
The Syon Cope.
A fine example of the ecclesiastical needlework for which England was noted in the thirteenth century; presented to the Duke of Northumberland by refugee nuns from Portugal, to whose convent it belonged, and whom he sheltered at Syon House during the Continental troubles of the early nineteenth century.
Tuscan and Venetian Ladies 1460-80. Medieval Italian fashion.
Tuscan and Venetian Ladies 1460-80. Unpublished paintings from the Libraries of Trieste, Venice etc.
Greece. Warriors of heroic and historical time. Leaders and Soldiers.
The armament of the heroic period. The Greek army. The Hoplit, the Peltast, The Rider, the Phalangit, the Archer, the victorious Warrior, the Great Goddesses of war and hunting, Athena and Artemis. The Purpure. Bourgeois costume at the time of Ptolemy.
Hairstyles and headgear in ancient Greece. Historical Greek fashion.
GREECE. ANTIQUE HAIR AND HEADGEAR. The women of Greek antiquity knew how to achieve a great variety in the arrangement of their hair. Veils of light or precious fabric, ribbons of various colours, flowers and fragrant ointments were often used in artistic hairstyles.
Italy. Folk costumes in the Provinces of Rome and Ancona.
In the surroundings of Rome the picturesque costume of the contadini (farmers) has almost disappeared. Only occasionally do you see entire families of country dwellers in national costumes on the streets.
Jalali. Mohammedan Faqir. Sufi Muslim ascetic. Suhrawardiyya saint.
Jalali.-A class of Mohammedan Faqirs who take their name from their founder Sayyid Jalal-ud-din a pupil of Bahawal Haqq the Suhrawardiyya saint of Multan.