Colonial Costumes.
From left: Early Puritan costume. A dignitary in the 18th century. A gentleman in the 18th century. A merchant in the 18th century. A Governor in the in the 17th century. An Officer in the Revolution. A gentleman about the time of the revolution. A puritan Divine. A gentleman about the time of the revolution. A colonial Governor in the in the 18th century.
Source: The Household History of the United States and its people by Edward Eggleston. Published in London 1889.
- Offensive and defensive armor and weapons.
- Armor in England from the 10th to the 18th century
- Life-size warrior figures in full armor and equipment.
- 16th Century – German armor art.
- The Knights of the Teutonic Order of Knighthood.
- The First Crusade. The Knights Hospitallers.
- The Crusades. The Knights Templar.
- The Crusaders in the 12th and 13 Century.
- Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece 16th century.
- German Renaissance Fashion in the 16th Century.
- German blackened steel armor. Renaissance weapons.
- Middle Ages fashion history in Germany. 11th to 13th century.
- Gallic and Gallo-Roman helmets of Celtic warriors.
- Clans in the Roman Empire. The shields of the Gauls.
- The Varangian Guard. Viking Chiefs 5th Century.
- Lansquenet. German renaissance military.
- Germany military in 1530. Renaissance Mercenaries.
- German mercenaries around 1620.
- German lansquenets during the thirty Years’ War.
- Knights tournament. Renaissance 16th century.
- Firearms and offensive weapons. Renaissance 16th century.
- 30 years war weapons. Helmet, gloves and a musketeer rifle.
- Iron Gloves, gauntlets of the 15th century.
- The Schaller. Helmet and neck cover from the 15th century.
- Mounted Knights. Heavy cavalry 16th century.
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