Firearms and offensive weapons. 16th century.

16th century Accessories firearms and offensive weapons. Renaissance military.

Accessories firearms and offensive weapons, XVI century.

Accessories firearms and offensive weapons. Renaissance period, 16th century.

XVI Century. French factory. Collections of Emperor Napoleon III. at the Louvre Museum.

The object which occupies the centre of this page ( fig. 1526) is a powder-flask from the end of the XVIth century, the setting of which is in chased copper and as fine as possible. The bassrelief of carved ivory represents a meles of horsemen. To this piece its priming is affixed.
The two other objects (fig. 1527-28) are a case with knife and dagger. The case and sheath are in ivory. The large knife has its hilt ornamented with a Venus whose head-gear is of Henri the third`s epoch. The handle of the small dagger shows a fool`s head.

XVI Siècle. Fabrique Française. Collections de L’Empereur Napoleon III. et du Musée du Louvre. Accessoires d’armes à feu et arme offensive.

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Louis XIII fashion era. French Ancien Régime. Renaissance, Baroque fashion history,

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  14. Reign of Henri III. 1574 to 1589. (Renaissance, early Baroque, Spanish court dress, Tudor)
  15. Reigns of Henri IV. and Louis XIII. 1589 to 1643. (Renaissance, Baroque)
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  26. 15th century medieval room interior. The history of Tobit. Historia Scholastica.
  27. The Corset and the Crinoline. Introduction of Cottes-Hardies. The Ladies of Old France.
  28. Pictures and Royal Portraits Illustrative of English and Scottish History.
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