The warlike machines. Our wood-cuts represent some of the instruments used, during the middle ages, in carrying on sieges.
Richard II. King of England 1377 to 1399.
Richard II (Richard Plantagenet, also known as Richard of Bordeaux 1367-1400), King of England from 1377 to 1399.
King and Knight. England 12th century.
King and Knight. The regal costume during the 12th and 13th centuries
Hardanger costume. Norway 1896
Hardanger costume. Norway 1896.
Two ladies of Siena, in the costume of the beginning of the 14th century.
The costume of the ladies, in particular, was there extremely light and graceful. Our plate represents two ladies of Siena, in the costume of the beginning of the fourteenth century.
Mower maid 1896. A Norwegian “Maud Müller”.
A Mower maid from Norway 1896. Norwegian “Maud Müller”.
A Norwegian Yeoman 1896. A Voyage to Viking-Land.
The term Yeoman generally referred to the Yeomanry in medieval England, later tenants and small landowners. Moreover, yeomans were also called higher servants in the noble court.
England from 1154 to 1216. Anjou-Plantagenet ruling dynasty.
Fashion history. England from 1154 to 1216. Anjou-Plantagenêt ruling dynasty. HENRY II, 1154-1189; RICHARD I., 1189-1199; AND JOHN, 1199-1216.
Norman and Anglo-saxon costume period. Medieval England 1066-1154.
The Norman Period. Medieval fashion and costume history of England 1066-1154. William the Conqueror, William II., Henry I., Stephen.
Historical Berber costumes from Morocco, 1862.
Historical Berber Costumes of Morocco. Morocco is a state in the north-west of Africa.