A Guffa was a traditional, usually plaited reeds, round basket boat, which was used on the Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq until the 1970s.
Dutch Farmers from around Leiden, 1828.
Farmers from around Leiden. Paysan et Paysanne des environs de Leyde.
Costumes Pyrenees. Rentals, Ossau Valley 1834.
Costumes Pyrenees. Rentals, Ossau Valley. Costumes des Pyrénnées. à Louve, Vallée d’ O’ssau. Pyrénées-Atlantiques département.
Dutch Orphaned Lutheran of Reformed Catholic.
Dutch Orphaned Lutheran of Reformed Catholic. Orphelines Luthérienne Catholique d’ Réformée.
Marchande de modes portant la marchandise en ville.
A Dressmaker carrying the merchandise in the city in 1780. Galerie des modes et costumes français, by Jacques Esnault
Dutch costumes from the island of Walcheren, Zeeland Province.
Dutch costumes from the island of Walcheren, Zeeland Province. Peasant farmer from the island of Walcheren, Zeeland Province. Paysan et Paysanne de l’île de Walcheren, Province de Zeeland.
Hunters at the south peak of Pau. Costumes Pyrenees 1834.
Hunters at the south peak of Pau. Costumes Pyrenees. Chasseurs d’Izards, au pic du midi de Pau. Costumes des Pyrénnées.
Zuiderzee. Historical Dutch clothing.
Dutch costumes from the island of Marken in the Zuiderzee, 1824.
Maxuruna. Brazilian indigenous tribesman.
The Maxaruna correspond to today’s Matis indians known as Jaguar people.
Young Actress in the “Jealous of Estramadure” 1779
Comedy performed by the Troupe du Sieur l’Éclus