Statue of Roman Emperor Julian in 360. Julian in 360 proclaims at the Palais des Thermes. Was found in 1850. Statue de l’empereur Julien, proclame en 360 au palais des Thermes.… Read More
Merovingian king Clovis as founder of St. Genevieve.
Clovis launching his ax with all the strength of his arm to indicate the place where he wanted to found St. Genevieve. Clovis lançant sa francisque de tout la force de son bras, pour indiquer la place où il voulait fonder Sainte-Geneviève.
France. Vestments of a Gaelic family around 1 AD.
Vestments of a Gaelic family around 1 AD. Famille Gauloise, Temps Primitifs.
Charles the Fat encamped under the walls of Paris
Charles the Fat, Charles III, Carolingian Emperor encamped under the walls of Paris without daring to fight the Normans.
Mary of Burgundy was the only child of Duke Charles the Bold.
Mary of Burgundy became Duchess of Burgundy after the death of her father Duke Charles the Bold in January 1477.
King Richard III, last British monarch of the House of Plantagenet.
Richard III was from 1483 until his death at the Battle of Bosworth King of England. He was the last British monarch of the House of Plantagenet and also the last, who died on a battlefield.
Parisian boatman dress of the early ages.
Batelier Parisien des premiers âgés. Parisian boatman dress of the early ages.
Ancient Paris as a Celtic, Gaelic settlement.
Ancient Paris as a Celtic, Gaelic settlement. The history of Paris goes back over 2000 years.
Paris, Norman viking invasion in 845.
Siege and attack on Paris by Vikings. Invasion des Normands en 845.
Jacques de Molay. Last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.
Jacques de Molay was the last Grand Master of the Order of the Temple. Jacques de Molay was executed at the stake in 1314.