Costume Toque de Velours. Witz-choura de Satin.
Costume Robe Garnie en Chicorée. Coeffure Chinoise.
Costume Robe Garnie en Chicorée. Coeffure Chinoise.
Merveilleuse with costume Domino Garni de Dentelle.
French neoclassical fashion. Merveilleuse Costume Domino Garni de Dentelle. Cornette de Lévantine.
Echarpe Ecossaise. Neoclassical costume Broderies à Roues.
Costume Broderies à Roues. Chapeau de Paille d’Italie. Echarpe Ecossaise.
Poland nobility costumes. Renaissance period dresses in 1530.
Poland nobility costumes. Court Dresses 16th century. Renaissance period in 1530. Published 1870, Munich.
The Mitre of the bishop of Limerick, Ireland.
The Limerick Mitre. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages by Henry Shaw
Pyrrhus Receiving the Honor of Knighthood
Pyrrhus Receiving the Honor of Knighthood BEASONS of considerable force are adduced by M. Jubinal, in his splendid work on Early Tapestries, for believing that the Tapestry from which the… Read More
Pallas Athena wearing aegis with Gorgon
Pallas Athena wearing aegis with Gorgon’s head as a breastplate.
Pallas Athena with peplos or himation.
Statue of Pallas Athena with peplos or himation partly girt round the waist.
Greek Statue of Pallas Athena wearing the peplos and diploidion.
Pallas Athene. The peplos and diploidion, and the Gorgoned aegis extended as a covering to the arm that holds the shield.