Afternoon dress. October 1794. The Gallery of Fashion. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The Regency fashion 1794. White chip gipsy hat with a yellow riband.
England Morning Dress September 1794. Round gown of lawn with a narrow flounce, the gaufred plaits scallopped; short sleeves. Round the neck a full lawn plaiting à ľ Espagnole. The Gallery of Fashion. Nikolaus von Heideloff
Fashion in 1960s. Synthetic fabrics plus electric laundry equipment… .
Synthetic fabrics plus electric laundry equipment make washday a pleasure. Host: Jeffrey Lynn. Chemistry Education Film.
Fashions for the Office, 1955. Office fashion show.
Prelinger Archiv. Fashions for the Office, 1955. Office fashion show.
Woman with child. Traditional Japanese clothing in 1920.
Postcard. Japanese woman with doll or children. Traditional Japanese clothing and hairstyle from c. 1920th.