The “Rock of Moses” is, from its size, a remarkable object: it rests isolated where it has fallen from the eastern Mountain above
Encampment of the Aulad-Said, Mount Sinai
This scene represents the arrival of the caravan of the Artist and his companions, in the country, and at the tents of the Aulad-Sa’id.
Musical instruments. Wind and Stringed instruments of ancient Rome.
Rome. Musical instruments. Wind instruments. Stringed instruments. Cymbals, Timpani and castanets.
The convent of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai, Egypt.
This Convent has been built in the form of a square fortress of hewn granite, and flanked with towers, of which one or two have cannon.
Tartan of Clan Brodie. Red and black check, popularly called Rob Roy.
Many of the oldest Scottish tartans in variations of red and black check are popularly called Rob Roy
The Atrium. Interior of an ancient Roman palace.
The atrium was connected to several side rooms, which were closed by doors, and two open rooms, the latter being called alae.
Scene in Sitsikamma. Tsitsikamma National Park by Samuel Daniell.
SCENE IN SITSIKAMMA. Drawn & Engravd by Samuel Daniell. The Tsitsikamma National Park is a South African national park located in the Western Cape Province.
Reconstructed Gallic warrior from about 400-200 B.C.
Gallic warrior from about 400-200 before Christ. Reconstructed after antique sculptures and original finds. Gimbel’s weapons collection.
Gauls. The inhabitants of Gaul before the Roman conquest.
Gauls. Male and female types. Gallic chief. Merovingian chief. Frankish warrior with the Scamasax. Farmers. Flag Bearer. Horsemen. Warrior types of the Salian Franks. The bardocucullus. The carnyx, war trumpet.
Basilian monks. The foundation of the Order of St. Basil.
Order of Saint Basil the Great. Basilian monks. Armenian Monks. Coptic Monks.