View of the arch of the Ecce-Homo, with the smaller arch to the north, discovered by Pierotti.
Jerusalem. Ancient Jewish work in the Haram Wall.
Ancient Jewish work in the north-east of the Haram Wall, near S. Mary’s Gate. Jerusalem.
The challenger of the tournament. Noblemen of the court of Charles VIII.
Medium Age. France. The challenger of the tournament. Noblemen of the court of Charles VIII. Entering the barriers to taking the oath. Noblemen of the court of Charles VIII.
The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Plans and sections.
The Temple Mount. The Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Wailing-place. Mosaics in the interior. The monolith. The Golden Gate.The Haram es-Sherif (Bab el-Huldah)
England. Lower Class costumes of the Middle Ages.
Costumes 1000 to 1300 A.D. The two men in this picture might very well be, from the manner in which they are dressed, members of Robin Hood’s band.
THE GNOO. Drawn & Engravd by Samuel Daniell.
Wildebeest, also called the gnu. African scenery and animals by Samuel Daniell.
Plans and sections of the Royal Caverns, and of the Grotto of Jeremiah.
Ancient Entrance into the Royal Caverns. Grotto of Jeremiah. Cemetery of Dervishes. Fountain. Ancient Room of the period of S. Helena.
Jerusalem. The towers Phasaelus and Mariamne. Citadel Gate.
Citadel Gate. Citadel. Upper Road of Sion. Breast-work of a ditch. Tower Mariamne. Tower Phasaelus.
The Antonia fortress, or Antonia tower at Jerusalem.
Christian tradition sees Antonia Castle as the place where Jesus Christ is said to have been sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate.
Heavy horse armor of Emperor Maximilian I. from c. 1508.
This complete “Rossgelieger” is of excellent quality. The breastplate, called “Fürbug”. The saddle is a so-called “crib saddle”.