Art work by Dale Grimshaw. East London, 2016.
Tag: Artist
Atta Troll. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Heinrich Heine.
Atta Troll. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a narrative poem by Heinrich Heine. Atta Troll is one of the most virtuosic works Heines. German Romantic.
Becky Sharp. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray.
Becky Sharp. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. … IN the midst of the great persons assembled and the eye-glasses directed to her, Rebecca seemed to be as cool… Read More
Anton Fugger. Prince of merchants, 16th century.
Anton Fugger was beside Jakob Fugger the most important member of this family
Catherine Howard. Queen of England, 5th wife of King Henry VIII.
Catherine Howard c.1521 – 1542. She was from 1540 until 1541 Queen of England and the fifth wife of King Henry VIII.
Sir Thomas More. English statesman in the 16th century.
Sir Thomas More was an English statesman and author, noted renaissance humanist, councillor to Henry VIII, and Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to 16 May 1532.
Dakota woman and Assiniboin girl. Tribal group of the Sioux.
The Dakota or Dakhóta (often Santee or Eastern Dakota) are the eastern dialect and tribal group of the Sioux from the Sioux language family.
Isabella d’Este. La donna del mondo prima.
Isabella d’Este known as The First Lady of the Renaissance with a balzo, the famous Capigliari headdress.
Alethe, Priestess of Isis. The Epicurean, by Thomas Moore.
When Alethe arrived at a suitable age, she was taught, like other children of the priestesses, to take a share in the service and ceremonies of the shrines.
Elsa. Renaissance portrait by Ferdinand Wagner.
Elsa by Ferdinand Wagner, Nazarene. Costume jewelry, hair and hat of the period of the 16th century. Painted about 1880th.