Virginie Ancelot, origin. Marguerite-Louise Ancelot was a French writer and painter. Ancelot came from an old established family in Dijon, her father was the deputy N. Chardon.
Tag: Artist
Marguerite Victoire Babois, French writer 1760-1839
Marguerite Victoire Babois was a French writer, author of elegies and other poems which have placed her name at the forefront of French elegiac poets.
Nô, Noh-men or Omote, jap. 能 楽 robes.
Nō, Noh-men or Omote, Is a traditional Japanese theatre, which traditionally played only by men (danced) and is accompanied by music.
Cornélie Falcon. Costume of Rachel in the opera “Jewess”.
Cornélie Falcon (1814–1897). In the picture it shows the Rachel in the opera La Juive, by Jacques Fromental Halévy.
Costume espagnol Toreros (taureador).
Spanish Torero bullfighting costume, 1831. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Roman emperor Septimus Severus in Paludamentum and Circular Fibula.
Septimius Severus was born in Africa of Roman parents; he died at York in the year 211 a. D. after a severe illness at the age of sixty-six. This bust was found in the year 1776 on the Palatine Hill, in the part of the Palace of the Cæsars now occupied by the Villa Magnani.
Female bust of a Bacchante. Maenad of Dionysiac cycle.
This bust has been called that of a Maenad or Bacchante, an attribution which the comparison of other Bacchic types would seem fully to justify.
Head of Minerva with helmet, slightly inclined to the right.
Head of Minerva. The hair, parted in the middle, is drawn back from the temples, after the manner usual in the representations of Minerva.
Bust of Minerva. Parian marble. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture.
The hair flow away from the forehead, and falls behind the neck in one solid tress, not unlike the hair on some of the caryatides. This arrangement is one of the most common characteristics of this goddes.
Juno crowned with an indented diadem, usually called Stephane.
A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum by Combe Taylor, London 1861.