Selections Of The Ancient Costume Of Great Britain And Ireland, from the 7th to the 16th century by Charles Hamilton Smith.
Tag: Costume Of Great Britain And Ireland
Selections Of The Ancient Costume Of Great Britain And Ireland, from the 7th to the 16th Century by Charles Hamilton Smith. London: Printed by William Bulmer and Co. Shakspeare-Press, for Messrs. Colnaghi and Co. Cockspur Street, 1814.
English knight in 1320. Reign of of King Edward II.
Knight in the reign of of King Edward II. and his son Edward III. (1312 – 1377).
13th century costume of a young english nobleman.
13th century costume of a young nobleman. England costume of a young nobleman in the reign of King Henry III in summer dress, 1250.
Boudicca queen of the British Iceni tribe.
Boudicca queen of the British Iceni tribe.
Philippa of Hainault. Queen of England in 1369.
Philippa of Hainault. Queen of England 1369. Tthe rivalry between her sons was ultimately the trigger for the Wars of the Roses