Tag: Crusaders

Reign of Philip III and Louis VIII. The influence of the Crusaders.

Jerusalem, Crusade, Crusader, middle ages

Severity of feminine costume – Long gowns and gimps – Marguerite of Provence – “Fermaux” – Reappearance of splendor in dress – Eastern customs – The priests of fashion – Haberdashery and peacock-feathers – Female embroiderers – Taste for embroidery – Continual temptations – Earliest sumptuary laws – Furs – St. Louis’s opinion on dress – Prohibitions by Philippe le Bel; speech made by his wife – Crépine.

Knights of Malta. Teutonic Knights. Nuns of the Order of St. John.

Crusaders, Outremer, middle ages, costumes,

Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights and sword brother (Order of Brothers of the German House Saint Mary in Jerusalem, Ordo Teutonicus). Knights of Templar. Nuns of the Order of St. John. Knights of St John, or Knights of Malta.

The Knights Templar. The Second Crusade in the Middle Ages.

Templars, Knights, Midldle ages, Templar, Armor,

Foundation of the Order of the Temple — St. Bernard aids the Order—Constitution of the Order — St. Bernard’s account of the Templars — The Christian power in the East weakened — The Second Crusade — The siege of Damascus — Letter of a Knight Templar — Exploits of the Templars in Palestine