Length portrait of Ramses III (Necropolis of Thebes – 20th Dynasty.)
Tag: Decoration
Ancient Egypt goddess Anouke & Pharaoh Ramses II
Sculpture: La déesse Anouké & Ramsès II (Talmis – XIXe. dynastie) (1878).
Statue of an Egypt Writer, painted red limestone. Histoire de l’art égyptien.
Statue of an Egypt Writer, painted red limestone. Histoire de l’art égyptien.
Offering flowers & fruit. Necropolis of Thebes – XIXe.dynastie.
Histoire de l’art égyptien: d’après les monuments; depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’à la domination romaine by Prisse D’Avennes.
Ancient Etruscan ceramics. Antefixes. Céramique Étrusque.
Antiques of Etruscan culture. Céramique Étrusque. Antefixes. These monuments might prove the establishment of an Ionian colony in Etruria towards the 8th century B.C., and its fusion with these warlike primitive tribes
The White Peacock and others
The White Peacock and others, by George Sheringham, Jessie Marion King, Hans Frank, Allen W. Seaby.
Robert Anning Bell. Life and Legacy
Robert Anning Bell was a significant figure in the British art world, particularly known for his work in book illustrations and stained glass.
Silk fabric with velvet apliques. Louis XIIIth period.
XVII Century. French factory. (Louis XIII.) Silk fabric with velvet apliques. Musée de Cluny.
Two-tone fabric design. Louis-quatorze. France 17th century.
Two-tone fabric of the baroque period. France 17th century. French factory. Collection of Mr. Mallet Boullay.
Textile design. Fabric in Louis-quatorze style. 17th century.
Louis-quatorze style. Textile of hangings from the alcove of princess of Rohan-Soubise.