The Médaillier is considered one of the most beautiful creations of French furniture from the early days of Louis XV’s reign.
Tag: Decoration
Cartouches. Specimens. Peinture en camaïeu. France 18th century.
THIS plate terminates the series in which we have successively represented the different phases of the cartouche.
Design of a silk pattern in franco-oriental style. 17th c.
Design of a silk pattern in franco-oriental style based on Persian ornamentation. France at the beginning of the 17th century.
Embroidered Fukusa. Japan ornamental arts.
Embroidered Fukusa. Japan ornamental arts, by George Ashdown Audsley, 1882.
Japan. Ornamental arts. Rich Fabrics for obi or girdle. 19th c.
The fabrics here illustrated show two styles of artistic treatment.
Glass painting in grisaille technique in the Middle Ages.
Glass painting of church windows with grisaille window roses. Painting on glass attained its highest excellence in the thirteenth century.
Greco-Roman Antiquities. Pompeian style. Decorative Architecture.
THE purely decorative architecture, which we find represented on the inner walls of the apartments in Herculaneum and Pompeii, seems to belong less to the domain of reality than to that of fancy.
Etruscan Art. Jewels. Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Civilization of ancient Italy. The Etruscans, also obsolete Etrurians, were an ancient people in Etruria who lived in the northern central Italy in the area of today’s regions Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio and called themselves Rasenna according to Dionysios of Halikarnassos.
English roses around 1900: history and varieties
English roses: history and varieties
Assyrian and Persian Art. Examples of Decoration, Ornamentation.
Assyrian and Persian Art of Nineveh and Persepolis.