The training of the dancing girl usually begins when she is about seven years of age.
Tag: Japanese theme
Japanese culture, arts and crafts, customs, mythology, religion and everyday life published at the beginning of the 20th century and in the 19th century .
Viewing the Irises at Horikiri, Japan.
The Acorus calamus, or Sweet Flag, which the Japanese call Hana-Shobu.
Japan. Buddhist Priests
Buddhism. The existence of a supreme God is ignored, and life is regarded as an evil.
Ginkakuji Garden in Kyoto, Japan.
The garden of the Silver Pavilion, known as the Ginkakuji Garden, is renowned for its beauty and tranquility.
Wistaria Blossoms at Kameido, Japan.
Josiah Conder describes the beloved Wistaria as the first popular summer flower celebrated in Japanese gardens.
Japanese funeral procession.
The Japanese show great respect for the dead, and the ceremonial both at the house and grave is very impressive.
Japan. Lotus blossoms in Kamakura.
The lotus is associated with the religion of Buddha.
Bottle of old Arita porcelain, Hizen. Imari ware, Japan.
Triple gourd-shaped bottle of Arita porcelain, Japan. In the Royal Keramic Collection, Dresden.
Hanaike. Japanese flower vases. Owari, Japan.
OWARI PORZELLAN. The figure is that of Onono Komachi, who lived in the ninth century.
Sacred Shinkyo Bridge at Nikko, Japan.
The Shinkyo Bridge (神橋, Shinkyō, “sacred bridge”) to Nikkō Futarasan Shrine.