A lace worked dress, in circular shape, furnished with a lace cape reaching to the top of the embroidery, of very fine point d’Alençon.
Tag: Masterpieces
Masterpieces of industrial art & sculpture at the International exhibition, 1862. Selected and described by J.B. Waring. Published by Day & Son in London in 1863. Dedicated to her Majesty, the Queen. Chromo-lithographed by and under the direction of W. R. Tymms, A. Warren, and G. Macculloch, from photographs supplied by the London photographic and stereoscopic company, taken exclusively for this work by Stephen Thompson
Ebony cabinet in the style of Louis Seize. Victorian period.
Ebony cabinet in the style of Louis Seize. Prize medal for great excellence of design and workmanship in decorative furniture 1862.
Maltese and Spanish lace. Silk and gold thread embroidery on black lace.
Illustrations of Maltese and Spanish lace. Flounce of embroidered lace. Example of silk and gold thread embroidery on black lace.
Médaillier in the form of a chest of drawers. Louis-quinze (style rocaille).
The Médaillier is considered one of the most beautiful creations of French furniture from the early days of Louis XV’s reign.
Masterpieces of Turkish nomad carpets of the 18th c.
Turkish nomad carpets made by nomad tribes throughout the Ottoman empire, known generally as Smyrna carpets. The women mostly working on them in winter.
Ornamental Metal Work from East India.
Ornamental Metal Work. Ornamented Weapons, etc. Contributed by the Rao of Kutch.
Embroidery from the Caucasus, Greece, Indian Melicete tribe.
FROM among the few but remarkable specimens of art-work man ship contributed to the Exhibition by the Caucasian Agricultural Society of Tiflis, we have selected a saddle-cloth from Kabardah, a district to the east of Mount Elbruz, the highest summit of the great Caucasian mountain-range. Circassian embroidered Saddle-Cloth. Embroidered dress, Greece. Hand-work of the North-American Indian Melicete tribe. International exhibition, 1862.
Carpets design 19th century. Masterpieces of industrial art.
Carpets design 19th century. Masterpieces of industrial art. CARPETS BY MESSRS. HENDERSON & CO., DURHAM, AND MESSRS. FILMER & SON, LONDON.