Tag: Medieval costume

Medieval costume history. The period between the end of antiquity and the beginning of modern times about the 6th to the 15th century. It includes as superordinate, the Byzantine, Merovingian, Carolingian and Burgundian costume eras. Therein are the Gallic, Celtic, English-Saxon, Normans, Gothic, Romanesque included.

Byzantine. The Emperor. Greek, Latin clergy. Ascetics and monks.

Byzantine, emperor, Auguste Racinet, Roman, Consul, Ascetics, Consul, patrician,

Byzantine. Greek, Latin clergy. Ascetics and monks. The blessing of the Greeks and the Latins. The Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire and the officers of his retinue. The Roman Consul. The patrician. Secular and ecclesiastical instruments.

Medieval civil and war costumes of Italy, France and England. The Litter.

Cotte-hardie, pourpoint, Litter, Knights, squires, Middle ages, clothing, costumes, armour,

The close costume of the 14th century. Knights and squires habit of dressing. The footwear. The main piece of clothing for women at that time was the cotte hardie, a close-fitting, short-sleeved skirt, which made the body shapes stand out plastically.