In 1920 the costume consisting of a straight, short skirt, trim box coat or sweater and blouse
Tag: Silhouettes
Fashion silhouettes of the 19th century.
Restoration (1814-1830), Romantic period (1830-1848), Second Empire (1852-1870).
The eighteenth century silhouettes. Baroque, Rococo & Directorate.
The leading fashion designers of the eighteenth century looked to the sixteenth century and later to classical Greece and Rome for ideas and inspiration.
The silhouettes of the seventeenth century.
The disappearance of the hoop in the early years of the seventeenth century caused a change in the outline of the costume worn by the woman of fashion.
The introduction of the vertugale. Costume silhouettes.
Costume silhouettes of the sixteenth century changed rapidly with the introduction of the corset, the basquine, the hoop skirt, or vertugale.
Female fashion silhouettes of the Middle Ages. 11th to the 15th Century.
This period from 1300 to 1500 was full of the eccentricities of extreme fashion.
The Grecian Silhouette. The Grecian chiton of the Classical period.
In the figure we see the silhouette of that costume which forms our ideal of proportion and grace of line.