Ancient warriors. Life-size figures in full armor.

Ancient warriors. Roman legionary, Gallic warrior, Greek Hoplite Warrior, Carolingian Frankish knights. Merovingian warriors, Carl Gimbel

Life-size warrior figures

Ancient warriors. Life-size figures in full armor and equipment.

Carl Gimbel Collection.

Life-size warrior figures in full costume and equipment using individual original pieces. The reconstructions of the Gimbelschen weapons collection (Karl Gimbel) appeared in 1902 with illustrations and descriptions at Mittler and Son Berlin.
Head and limbs of the figures are carved from wood, movable part, each piece is up to them removable. The main purpose is to show the different armor types.

Source: Karl Gimbel: The Reconstruction of the Gimbel’s collection of weapons, Berlin 1902.

Go here for the full gallery: Knights and soldiers from antiquity to modern times. (German)

  1. Roman Legionary by the reliefs of Trajan’s column, Rome.
  2. Gallic warrior of about 400-200 BC.
  3. Greek Hoplite Warrior ca 600 BC.
  4. Knight of the 12th Century in the leather strip armor.
  5. Carolingian Frankish knight 9th-10th Century.
  6. Merovingian Frankish warrior about 600 AD.

Karl Gimbel: Die Reconstructionen der Gimbel’schen Waffensammlung. Mittler-Verlag, Berlin 1902.

1. Römischer Legionär nach den Reliefs der Trajans Säule Rom.
2. Gallischer Krieger von ca. 400-200 vor Christi Geburt.
3. Griechischer Krieger Hoplite ca. 600 vor Christi Geburt.
4. Ritter aus dem 12. Jahrhundert im lederstreifigen Harnisch.
5. Karolingisch fränkischer Ritter 9.-10. Jahrhundert.
6. Merowingisch fränkischer Krieger ca 600 nach Christi Geburt.

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