Soldat aventurier pillard. XVIe siècle.
Category: 16th Century
Costumes and Fashion in 16th century. Renaissance, Spanish Fashion, Tudor.
Medieval female hats and hairstyles of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Modes de coiffures de femmes aux XVe et XVIe siècles.
Mary Stuart. Drama by Friedrich Schiller, 1800.
Mary Stuart is a classic drama by Friedrich Schiller. The tragedy was first performed at the Weimar Court Theater on June 14, 1800.
Tudor fashion from 1550 to 1580. England 16th c.
Pictures and short extracts from The National and Domestic History of England
A dinner party of Margaret of Austria.
Court etiquette during the Renaissance. Concert given to Marguerite of Austria during her meal.
Portrait of King James I of England. Son of Mary Stuart.
James Stuart was as James VI from 1567 King of Scotland, and since 1603 until his death in addition as James I King of England and King of Ireland.
Mary I, also Maria, the Catholic or the Bloody Mary.
Mary I, also Maria, the Catholic or the Bloody Mary (1516 – 1558), was from 1553 to 1558 Queen of England and Ireland and the fourth monarch of the Tudor House.
The english boy king Edward VI. Son of Henry VIII. The Tudor.
Edward Tudor 1537 – 1553. Pictures and Royal Portraits illustrative of English and Scottish History by Thomas Archer.
Relics associated with Queen Elisabeth. The Golden Prayer-book.
Relics associated with Queen Elisabeth. The Golden Prayer-book of Queen Elizabeth. Cup set with Amethysts and Turquois. Book of Meditations and Prayers
Queen Elisabeth knighting Drake on Board of the Golden Hind 16th c..
Sir Francis Drake was an English sea captain, privateer, slave trader, naval officer and discoverer of the Elizabethan era.