Megrelian woman at the wells. Georgia 1895. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Category: 19th Century
Ashanti warriors. Asante Manta. Ethnic group in West Africa.
Ashanti warriors. The Ashanti Region (in Akan: Asante Manta) is a region of Ghana with the capital of Kumasi. The vast majority of the population consists of members of the… Read More
Merchant of vegetables. Un Marchand de Légumes au Japon.
Japan merchant of vegetables. Un Marchand de Légumes au Japon. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages 1895.
Family Dance in Japan. Danse en Famille au Japon, 1895.
Family Dance in Japan. Danse en Famille au Japon, 1895.
In the Harem. Istanbul 1895. Dans le harem.
In the Harem. Istanbul 1895. Dans le harem. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Knitting woman from Isfahan, Iran 1850.
Isfahan was the capital of the Persian Empire under the Sefevid dynasty between the 16th and 18th centuries.
In the rickshaw. La In rikischa. Voiture du Japon. 1895.
In the rickshaw. La In rikischa. Voiture du Japon. 1895.
General Custer, Grand Duke Alexis and Buffalo Bill.
Time of the famous buffalo hunt in honor of the Grand Duke Alexis.
Travel in Kago Chair. Voyage dans la chaise Kago.
Travel in Kago Chair. Voyage dans la chaise Kago. Auteur du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages,
Afganistan Shah Shuja ul Mulk 1850.
Afganistan Shah Shuja ul Mulk 1850. The Governor’s place of Refuge during the Capture of the Fortress; Preparing to go out in the streets by James Atkinson. 1850. Read more: Gallery… Read More