THE DAWN OF CHRISTIANITY IN BRITAIN. The first preaching of christianity in Britain. A new power had already been in operation before the coming of the Saxons,—that power before which… Read More
Category: Celts
Britain under Roman rule. Celt and Roman. England 43 BC to 440 AD.
The United Kingdom, known in antiquity as Britain (ie the territories of present-day England to Hadrian’s Wall, Cornwall and Wales), was from 43 BC to 440 AD, under Roman rule.
The Migration Period. Historical atlas of modern Europe.
Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman empire: comprising also maps of parts of Asia and of the New world connected with European.
Hadrians Wall. Roman Britain. Maps, Places, Tribes.
The Romans in Britain. Maps, Places, Tribes. Historical atlas.
British priestesses. Roman era 3rd century.
Selections Of The Ancient Costume Of Great Britain And Ireland, from the 7th to the 16th century by Charles Hamilton Smith.
Boudicca queen of the British Iceni tribe.
Boudicca queen of the British Iceni tribe.
Ploughman family – Noble family (5th century)
Famille de laboureurs – Famille noble (Ve siècle). Gallic inhabitants. Merovingian
Merovingian Warrior, Bishop, King, Queen.
Merovingian. Guerrier, Evêque, Roi et Reine. 6ème siècle.
Merovingian. A lazy king’s chariot with guardians.
Char d’un roi fainéant – Au fond, char de paysan. Merovingian. A lazy king’s chariot with guardians – In the background, a peasant’s chariot.
Lutetia. Natives of ancient Paris.
first, Parisians, inhabitants, Lutetia, Lutèce.